Revenews: Celebrating MA millionaire's tax; FSA Launch

26 September 2024

In this edition of ReveNews, we celebrate the news from last week’s Fair Share America launch in DC, present the latest success of the Massachusetts Fair Share Amendment (and what the other side is preparing), provide new state and legislative district modeling data, and share how Connecticut for All is part of a statewide effort to raise awareness and revenue to replace expiring COVID education funding.



Massachusetts’ millionaire's tax ballot measure continues to pay off (making the business lobby mad).

Nearly 2 years after voters approved the additional tax on incomes over $1m a year, Massachusetts’ Fair Share Amendment (Question 1) has been an unqualified success.

Meanwhile, a new dark-money campaign called the Massachusetts Opportunity Alliance will spend millions of dollars on future lobbying, ballot campaigns, and public “education,” including a monthly poll – all to undermine the voters' will and cut taxes on business. 

Connecticut for All presses the state to fund schools as federal COVID funds expire.

Last month in ReveNews, we shared that as kids are getting back to school, Federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Act funding must be allocated by the end of September. While ESSER is ending, the needs remain and without more Federal or state money, our classrooms, teachers and children will suffer. 

This month, Connecticut for All helped to lead a series of statewide advocacy and awareness events pushing for additional state funding. 


New SRA research shows Americans continue to support raising taxes on wealthy households and corporations.

The results of a large-scale national survey conducted in August 2024 by Data for Progress on behalf of State Revenue Alliance show an overwhelming majority of respondents – 78 percent overall – support raising taxes on wealthy corporations and individuals making more than $400,000 per year. Respondents also overwhelmingly support lowering taxes on those making less than $400,000, raising corporate tax rates, and an expanding the Child Tax Credit at the federal and state levels.

Please come and invite your state partners to the October 17th monthly SRA meeting where we’ll dig into the data and explain how you can use it in your communications, lobbying, and education efforts. 

We buried the lede: On Sept 18th, 200 state-based tax advocates helped launch Fair Share America in Washington DC.

  • Last week, fair tax advocates from across the country and national labor, climate, and care economy leaders came together on Capitol Hill and visited 75 Hill offices to send on clear message on 2025 tax reform: millions of Americans are united in their desire to see Congress make the U.S. tax code fairer by raising taxes for the wealthy and big corporations when the 2017 tax law expires next year.

  • Fair Share America (FSA) is a powerful new coalition led by Kristen Crowell that is working to unite federal and state campaigns across the country to win major tax reforms in 2025 and beyond. SRA is the state anchor of Fair Share and works in deep partnership with FSA leadership to support the engagement of our state partners in the federal tax fights. Check out the story from States Newsroom, coverage from Maine partners, Politico, an oped from our Arizona state partners, notable shouts out on social media, and full video here.

  • Also be sure to listen to our own Amber Wallin on Civic Media’s the Maggie Daun Show as she discussed the growing movement for tax justice in the states. 


The Tax Justice Initiative (TJI) is a cohort of legislators and SRA partners in a dozen states, co-supported by the State Innovation Exchange. Every one of the 30+ elected officials involved in TJI who stood for re-election won their primary and will be on the ballot in November. 

And speaking of… This Wednesday, SRA and SiX convened a meeting with dozens of state legislators across the country to debrief the 2024 legislative session and hear about opportunities ahead. Watch the recording and see the presentation slides here

Check it out: On Tuesday, Brookings held a webinar to discuss how states can raise revenue. Our friends Kristen Crowell (Fair Share America), Wes Tharpe (the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities), and Mary Kusler (the National Education Association) presented their unique perspectives about winning a more fair tax system.


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Revenews: State Tax Tricks and Treats for Halloween!
